
Justice League Movie in the Works (Again)?

Let me start by saying that I really enjoyed “The Avengers.” It had a great cast, a good story, and (to be honest) I’ll pretty much see anything Joss Whedon had a hand in. But part of me wondered, where the hell was the Justice League? That would make a great movie.

Well, duh. I’m not the first person to have this idea. Warner Bros. tried to make one in 2007, but the attempt failed. But, according to Blastr, Warner Bros. is trying again. The big problems? Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale are out after The Dark Knight Rises; Green Lantern was a flop; and who knows what will happen with the next Superman film? So DC and Warner Bros. would be hard pressed to put together a stable of films like Marvel did prior to “The Avengers.”

So do you hire actors only for a Justice League movie (or series)? Can it live up to Nolan’s Batman trilogy? Will people forget about crummy Green Lantern and Superman movies? I’d love to see Warner Bros. pull it off, but as of now, put me in the “highly skeptical” column.

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