Close’s Ten Types of Writers’ Block and Their Solutions

A while back, I wrote about world creation as short story fuel. My suggestion for a writer experiencing writer’s block was to pull out his world creation notes and work on a side story until the block clears. While I stand by this advice, spending time on a side story is not an effective strategy for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). So how can writers break through their block quickly and effectively?

Recently, author Charlie Jane Anders (as part of io9’s Daily 10 series) posted some great advice on writer’s block. Anders broke down the idea of writer’s block into ten separate types. Not only does this make writer’s block less intimidating, but it also allows a writer to more carefully determine the cause of, and solution to, the block. Anders offers specific and helpful advice for each type.

NaNoWriMo kicks off on November 1. I know some of you out there are getting ready it. The key to NaNoWriMo success is to write a lot each day. Writer’s block can be devastating. Keep this page handy, so you can keep writing. And good luck!

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