
Happy Halloween!

How are you celebrating Halloween this year? Feel free to post pictures of your pumpkins or your costumes. Hopefully, you were able to dress up and have fun this past weekend.

Alas, I did not. Dress up that is. While I did have fun this past weekend in Arizona with my wife and in-laws, I did not dress up. I had to skip a lot of Halloween festivities this year. I was too busy flying back on Saturday and running on Sunday (note to future self: flying back the night before a marathon from a time zone with three hours difference is not the best idea). But tonight, I plan on handing out candy to the trick or treaters in my building (and/or consuming said candy).

Anyway, to get the picture posting ball rolling, here’s one I found online. I only wish I had this kind of carving talent.

Muppet Pumpkin

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