
As Promised, Photos from Arizona

I recently went to Phoenix and Sedona, Arizona with my wife and in-laws. It was a great, albeit brief, trip. Here are some photos.

We arrived Tuesday evening, so there wasn’t much time for sightseeing, other than from our balcony:
Phoenix Balcony view

The next day we had beautiful weather, so we decided to have a little fun. I’ll let you guess what we did: mini golf
That evening, as the sun set, we walked over to the resort’s golf course for cocktails and a piper:piper

The next day, we drove to Sedona, Arizona. It’s about a two-hour drive from Phoenix, but the view is wonderful: Sedona from car

We then went on a hiking and driving tour that was quite fun. My dad is a geologist, so he would have loved it too, I’m sure. Look, Dad, a fault line! fault line The Broken Arrow Trail was quite stunning. I had never really spent time exploring the beauty of Arizona (it’s like a Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote cartoon come to life–and yes, that’s a compliment in my book), so I took lots of photos. I won’t bore you with all of them, but here are a couple, just in case you’re curious:
Broken Arrow Trail
Broken Arrow Trail 2

The excursion was billed as the ultimate off-roading experience. As I had never really gone off roading, I had a low threshold, but the trip didn’t disappoint:
Off Roading
Additionally, because it had rained the day before, some of the descents were basically controlled slides, like this one:
controlled slide

On the way back from Sedona, we stopped at the Chapel of the Holy Cross. Inspired and commissioned by a student of Frank Lloyd Wright, he consulted on the modeling, and Senator Goldwater helped it get built on National Forest land. It’s a very unique chapel, with views unlike any other chapel, I would think:
Chapel of the Holy Cross
Chapel of the Holy Cross Interior
Of course, I also found it really funny that next door was a humongous mansion, with a lawn and grotto:

The next day, we played golf, but I forgot to take pictures. This is probably a good thing because I played terribly. But it was nice to get out and play. That night, we enjoyed some BBQ. On Saturday, my wife and I enjoyed a last few moments by the pool (while DC recovered from a freak winter storm) before flying home. Then I ran a marathon on Sunday. Pics of that to come, I’m sure.

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