So after the Tough Mudder, I spent a week in Delaware with my wife and her parents. And when I go to the beach, that means reading. So what have I been reading lately? Well, I finished two books while at the beach (low, I know, but I was also playing golf, playing mini golf, and writing a bit).
The first was Mark Lawrence’s KING OF THORNS.

I know, I know, I’m way behind on this trilogy, but I’m making up for it. Jorg may be a very divisive character (he’s far from sympathetic, but he is fascinating), but Lawrence’s writing is superb. Like I did with the first book, I found myself re-reading passages to study the characters, the world building, and the plotting. Even if you don’t think you’ll like grimdark, definitely check out these books. I can’t wait to finish this trilogy and begin his new one.
When I finished that, I read Andy Weir’s THE MARTIAN.

Part thriller, part hard SF, THE MARTIAN tells the story of an astronaut accidentally abandoned on Mars and his struggle to survive. This book is full of chemistry, biology, and other science facts. While that may turn off some folks, I really enjoyed the details. In fact, I wish my high school science classes had used prompts like these on exams. But before I make it sound dry, boring, and nerdy, let me just say that Weir definitely knows how to write a nail-biter of a story. I also found the story to be very funny. I kept distracting Laura during the trip home when I would laugh every few minutes.
Now I’m reading Kameron Hurley’s THE MIRROR EMPIRE.

I’ve just started this one, but I’m already hooked. I’ll be reviewing this for, and I’ll also be interviewing Kameron as well, so stay tuned for those posts.
So what’s next when I’m done reading THE MIRROR EMPIRE? This.

Such a great summer. Hope your reading is as enjoyable.