
My Latest Review on Fantasy-Faction

I have another review up on Fantasy-Faction. This month, I reviewed Six-Gun Snow White by Catherynne M. Valente.

This novella is absolutely stunning, and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s not a retelling of Snow White, but a transformation of the tale to fit America, and the Wild West in particular. And Valente’s writing is incredible–she’ll make you laugh, cry, and re-read dozens of her poetic lines. And if you have a friend who only reads literary fiction, pass this along to them–the magic is minimal, it’s character-driven, and the writing is excellent.

So head over to Fantasy-Faction and give it my review a read. Then go order the novella. It’s 160 pages of awesome.

Oh, and when you’re done with that, check out Valente on Twitter. During this campaign season, her political tweets have been on point. If you like the stuff I’ve been posting and re-tweeting, odds are that she pointed me to the good stuff.

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