
Tonight’s Lullabies 9/26/17

Sorry about last night’s skipped post. I had to run some errands and didn’t get back until late. Laura put Anna down, but because she did it single-handedly, she had more important things to worry about. But we’re back on track tonight.

Tonight Pandora wanted to rock. But it did something I’ve never seen it do before: it played the same band twice in a row. I’ve seen it follow up a band with a member’s solo project, but never the same bad consecutively. But since it was a good band, I didn’t mind. Anna enjoyed it too. So much so that her mind was sleepy, but her body wouldn’t settle down–her limbs were flailing, and even did a bit of slo-mo headbanging.

The Playlist

Queens of the Stone Age, “Go With The Flow”

Queens of the Stone Age, “Little Sister”

The White Stripes, “Blue Orchid”

Guns N’ Roses, “Paradise City”

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