
Is Serialized Fiction Coming Back?

Once upon a time, a lot of people got their fictional stories through serialized installments. In fact, this was how many people read Dickens. But over time, this has faded. Heck, many forms of short fiction were on the decline, as evidenced by the shuttering of many short fiction magazines. But like many things, the…

Random House Reverses a Little?

Yesterday, I posted about the outcry over Random House’s new e-book imprint contracts. Well, it looks like Random House has changed their tune a bit. First, on March 7, Allison R. Dobson, Random House’s Vice President and Digital Publishing Director, published a response to SFWA’s criticism of the Hydra contract. In that letter, Dobson defended…

Failure and Clarion

This year, I’ve decided to apply for Clarion West, and this week is the deadline for Clarion applications, so I’ve been spending my time revising stories, writing up a biographical piece, and filling out scholarship applications. I’m excited about applying, and I’m very happy with the story I’m submitting, but in the back of my…