
Lucky Dog

Here I am, writing new articles, researching new jobs, and generally running around like a crazy person. What is Scotch doing? Just enjoying the warm tile in the sun room. And what happens when I walk up to take a pic? He glares at me like I’m the jerk. I mean, it’s not like I…

We Have Guests Over

My parents are visiting for the next few days, so expect some light posts as we run around doing all sorts of touristy things. But as great as it is to see them, I finally get to meet their Cocker Spaniel, Spencer. I wish I could say our Cocker Spaniel, Scotch, was as excited. Instead,…

Long Day Here

Sorry I haven’t posted anything today. I’ve been moving pretty slowly all day. I don’t know if it’s allergies or what, but I don’t think I slept very well last night. And listening to a snoring dog isn’t helping either. So in honor of sleepy Scotch, I give you this (courtesy of Redditor alliebes):