
Building Better Characters

I’ve been working on a new project. Like many proto-stories, I have a few scenes in mind, some setting details, and some characters. And, as I’ve talked about before, I’m an outliner. And each time I outline a story, I aim to make it better, stronger, a really solid outline–one that can demonstrate conflict, pacing,…

Interesting Times

Sorry about the radio silence. Last week, I was dealing with a bunch of job stuff, and then I traveled over the weekend to visit my in-laws. To make up for my absence, today I planned a big post about character development and making characters suffer (something I’ve been wrangling with in my new project),…

NaNoWriMo is Over. Now What?

So it’s December. NaNoWriMo is over. Did you reach 50,000 words? If you did, great! If you didn’t, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, focus on this: did you develop a daily writing habit? Did you learn something about yourself? Excellent! But what now? Well, go to Fantasy-Faction, and read my new article. You’ll find plenty…