
One-Month Anniversary & A Big Thank You

This site is one month old. In that time, it has registered about 700 visitors, 4,000 page views, and 200 subscribers. This is so far above anything I expected or even hoped for. I would have been happy if just a few friends and family members checked in. Instead, I’ve seen feedback from many unexpected places. I cross-post with my Facebook*, Twitter, and Google+ pages, and it’s great to see people commenting there, sharing, retweeting, and plus-one-ing. This site started as a way for me to write a bit more, comment on things that catch my attention, and share things with the world. To learn that others out there like what I have to say is a wonderful thing that means a lot to me.

So to everyone who reads this site, thank you so very much. I hope you keep checking back as this site grows and evolves over time. I hope I can keep things interesting. And don’t worry, I won’t post statistics like this every month. I just wanted to say thanks for what has been an incredibly pleasant surprise.

*Sorry, I keep my personal Facebook personal as much as I can. But if there is ever a need for it, I’ll create a page for this site, and you can catch me there.

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