
Library of Congress Hosts Comics Exhibit (through 3/10)

It’s supposed to rain pretty much the entire weekend here in DC. Because it’s fall, that means I have a perfect opportunity to stay inside, read, write, and watch way more football than I probably should. However, if you feel the need to go out this weekend (or any time before March 10, 2012), I would recommend you head to the Library of Congress.

Last week the Library opened “Timely and Timeless,” an exhibit showcasing some of the absolute best pieces of the Library’s approximately 128,000 pieces of comic art. The collection includes caricatures, political cartoons, comics, and animation stills. The exhibit is at the Graphic Arts Galleries (10 First St. SE), on the ground level of the Library’s Thomas Jefferson Building. The galleries are open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and admission is free.

You can view a few of the pieces on display here and here. As you can see, the collection includes pieces going as far back as the 18th century, and for the more modern fan, you can view pieces from “The Boondocks,” “Zippy the Pinhead,” and original art from the first appearance of Spider Man. For the animation fan, you can view Disney artwork and a line drawing from the 1914 cartoon featuring Gertie the Dinosaur.

This looks like a great exhibit, so check it out if you have the time. I have a feeling that although my wife is incredibly tolerant of my nerdly proclivities, I will have to attend this one myself. I’ll post a review when I do. If you beat me to it, leave a comment and tell me what you thought.

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