
A Little Boost of Motivation for December

For those who participated in NaNoWriMo, you can relax–it’s over. Phew. For those who wrote 50,000 words, Congratu-freaking-lations! That’s a huge accomplishment. For those who fell a little short, don’t feel bad. Look for something useful and move forward.

Now that you’re done, you’re probably exhausted, sad, or both. Understandably, now that it’s December, many of us would like to relax and take it easy for a while, but the holidays will make sure that’s impossible. With family, friends, and food on our minds, you won’t be able to relax for weeks. It may be tempting to stop writing for a while. Hopefully this post will keep you writing.

On his blog, Conor P. Dempsey (@conorpdempsey) highlighted an article from Writer’s Digest. The article is a collection of 90 quotes from bestselling authors about inspiration and ideas, getting started, style and craft, characters, plot, structure, and more.

I love articles like this. They are fun to read and easy to digest. Print it out and post your favorite quotes around your home: near your laptop, your coffeemaker, your bathroom mirror–anywhere you will see them throughout the day. They ought to keep you motivated to write, despite the worries over your in-laws or that missing pie recipe. If nothing else, they’ll serve as little reminders that you should write at least something, every day. Good luck.

How will you stay motivated over the holidays? Post your tips here. And I hear Writer’s Digest makes an excellent gift for writers, in case your wishlist is a little lacking.

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