It’s another busy day here, as I wrap up one thing and prepare to start something else, so I’ve prepared a little pop quiz instead of my usual witty remarks. Everyone likes pop quizzes, right?
Question: Which of the following options is the best?
Option A: Comics started by a father, dropped into his son’s lunchbox, and finished by his son while at school (thanks to for finding this).
Option B: a story in Variety that LEGO has licensed the new Hobbit movies.
Option C: a collection of videos and memories of the recently-departed Christopher Hitchens, as collected by his friend, Andrew Sullivan (unsurprisingly, some NSFW language in some of the video clips).
Option D: a collection of the snowmen comics from Calvin and Hobbes.
Option E: They are all awesome.
Remember to show your work.
calvin and hobbes snowmen! ( ps I don’t have an iphone or texting)