
A Sneak Peek at George R.R. Martin’s The Winds of Winter (Book 6, ASOIAF)

While news networks (and the internet as a whole) is focusing on the “Best of 2011” crap, George R.R. Martin has decided to give us some original content–a fairly lengthy sneak peek of Book 6 of his A Song of Ice and Fire Series, The Winds of Winter.

SPOILERS WARNING. If you have not finished Book 5 (A Dance with Dragons), do not, REPEAT DO NOT, read this clip. It will spoil the ending of Book 5. As I am currently in the middle of a big ASOIAF re-read before getting to Book 5, I am holding off on reading this. But for all my readers, please enjoy the goodness.

And thanks to my friend Jason for letting me know about this.

1 thought on “A Sneak Peek at George R.R. Martin’s The Winds of Winter (Book 6, ASOIAF)

  1. the winter winds. would love any readings or inoculation into what will take place. mainly john snow and his role in book 6. no info could be a spoiler for not knowing the truth of what happens is too much to wait for.

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