
Catherynne Valente Gives Great Advice on Writing

Over on Charles Stross’s (@cstross) blog, Catherynne Valente is guest-blogging. She has written two great posts that offer some great advice for writers.

If you are unfamiliar with Catherynne Valente (@catvalente), she is the author of a number of wonderful books, especially if you are a fan of fairy tales. And if you like fairy tales and Russia, you better read DEATHLESS.

Ms. Valente is young, very talented, and very creative. And she’s a workhorse. I can only assume, but her daily wordcount must be very high. Check out her advice. They are short pieces, but very honest. She will help keep your butt in the chair writing, despite your critics (whether internal or external), and she will also tell you how to make your writing better.

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