
Ray Bradbury Roundup–UPDATE

When news spread of Ray Bradbury’s passing yesterday, a few authors posted articles I wanted to pass along to the fans that would miss him. Neil Gaiman copied to his online journal an introduction to Bradbury’s THE MACHINERIES OF JOY. He also wrote an article about Bradbury as his friend for the Guardian. David Brin wrote an article about Bradbury’s optimism on Salon. Finally, the New Yorker unlocked Bradbury’s two articles so non-subscribers could access them.

Bradbury will be missed. It’s important for his fans to come together and share their memories of him and his legacy so that he will not be forgotten. I hope you enjoy these articles. Now go out, read some Bradbury this weekend, and maybe drink some dandelion wine while you’re at it.

UPDATE Here’s an article from Wired that includes comments from Ursula K. LeGuin, Joe Hill, Robin Hobb, Elizabeth Bear, R.A. Salvatore, Lev Grossman, and more.

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