
“Snow Crash” Film Definitely in the Works

According to this website, not only is Paramount Pictures set to adapt Neal Stephenson’s science fiction novel SNOW CRASH, but Joe Cornish, writer and director of “Attack the Block” and co-writer of “The Adventures of Tin-Tin” has also reportedly signed on to write and direct the adaptation.

Paramount had tried to make the movie back in 1992, when the novel first came out, but plans fell apart. The story involves organized crime, virtual reality, and a virus taking down hackers. Very 1992, right? Although I think digital effects can handle some of the story elements MUCH better than they could 20 years ago, I wonder if people are still interested in these sorts of stories. Don’t get me wrong, the book is a classic, and it’s a very fun read. But I wonder if it will appeal to a mainstream audience or just the genre geeks. Time will tell, I suppose. I mean, it can’t be as bad as “Battleship.”

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