
New Skyfall Trailer

If you saw “The Dark Knight Rises” in IMAX, you were treated to an extended “Skyfall” trailer. While it gave you a brief summary of the plot and a few snippets of action (which looked quite big and bold), it was the cinematography that struck me. “Skyfall” looked particularly beautiful. There was a use of color that I don’t often see in Bond films. But there was one thing missing: a villain. Thankfully, the new trailer corrects this problem.

Javier Bardem as a blond. It’s not as bad as his hair in “No Country for Old Men,” but it’s close. In addition to the villain, this trailer gives a more complete summary of the plot. But unlike the IMAX bit, Q seems less interesting (in the IMAX he seems to consider himself an equal of Bond–he just uses different tools) and the beauty is not really shown. But that’s ok. I’m a big fan of Daniel Craig’s rough-and-tumble Bond, so I’ll be sure to see this in the theaters. You?

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