
During and After Sandy

So my family made it through Sandy pretty much unscathed. Our power flickered a few times last night, and we lost power for maybe a minute or so, but that’s about it. The thing about living in a condo is that we may not have a yard or a basement, but our power comes through underground wires. So there’s that.

But it also means that we can’t let our dog out quickly during storms. We have to go down a few floors, walk around the block, and then back up. And when, despite his breed, my Cocker Spaniel Scotch hates water, this can be an ordeal. I mean, he will walk around puddles and tries to avoid baths like he’s a cat. He was not a fan of Sandy, as you can see below. Here’s him, and my wife, Laura, before his afternoon walk.

Laura & Scotch Before

Here’s a picture Laura texted me during his afternoon walk. When the wind picks up, we joke that he goes into airplane mode. If he were to run fast enough, he might get airborne.

Airplane Scotch

And here he is after his afternoon walk.

Scotch Afternoon

And here he is after his evening walk.

Scotch Evening

That is not a happy puppy face. But he was ready to go this morning, so we went exploring.

Scotch Exploring

During his morning walk, we spotted downed trees all over the place. Some were big.

Big Tree

Others were smaller.

Small Trees

And others blocked driveways.

Blocked Driveway

But all in all, not too bad. Be patient, and stay safe everyone. I hope you fared as well, and if not, I hope things get back to normal as quickly as possible.

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