
Thanksgiving, NaNoWriMo, and Fantasy-Faction

I hope my American readers have a lovely Thanksgiving, and I hope my non-American readers had a lovely Thursday. My wife and I stayed in town and went to an Indian restaurant Thursday evening (Because there aren’t any Pilgrim restaurants, I joked…lamely). I know it sounds strange, but 1) the restaurant is delicious and 2) they did a great turkey special. But the funny/gluttonous part of the story is that we also bought some roasted turkey breasts, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, cranberry sauce, etc. so that we could have “leftovers” for the rest of the weekend. Yes, we’re a bit ridiculous. But the turkey soup and cold turkey sammiches are great.

I was worried that the holidays–filled with food, football, and food-and-football-related comas–would knock me even further behind in my NaNoWriMo count. But nope! I actually closed the gap. And as of last night, I had written 41,776 words. That’s 110 words ahead of schedule. Woohoo! Take that tryptophan.

Lastly, over the weekend my latest article at went live. It’s about which new(-ish) authors are writing about challenging issues in interesting ways. Over the colder months, I like to settle into harder, denser books. If you’re like me, maybe this article will help you find a few new writers to check out. I hope you enjoy it.

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