
Lawyers and Psychiatrists Take on “The Walking Dead”

Wired posted an article “written by the psychiatrists of Broadcast Thought—H. Eric Bender, M.D., Praveen R. Kambam, M.D., and Vasilis K. Pozios, M.D.—and the attorneys of Law and the Multiverse, James E. Daily and Ryan M. Davidson, who recently collaborated on a panel at WonderCon entitled ‘Not Guilty by Reason of Zombification? Law and Forensic Psychiatry After the Zombie Apocalypse.'”

It’s a great article discussing the legal and psychological aspects of some of hte more gruesome and complex elements of “The Walking Dead.” If only a few more of my law school classes had hypotheticals like this. And yes, it’s easy to laugh at this as ridiculous–like the CDC’s Zombie Prep Guide–but they can also be useful. They are creative ways to examine and dissect current rules and beliefs in an atypical fashion. It helps you confirm that you have a solid grasp of the details.

What do you think? Silly or useful?

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