
SOMEONE COULD GET HURT by Drew Magary — a Review

I first became aware of Drew Magary (Twitter) from his writing on I enjoyed his snarky (if sometimes crude) sense of humor, his CAPS LOCK RANTS, and his ability to be brutally, heartbreakingly honest–particularly in his “Dadspin” columns. I also read and enjoyed his first novel, THE POSTMORTAL (reviewed here). So with many friends having kids, and that discussion taking place at my home, I decided to give SOMEONE COULD GET HURT a read.

SOMEONE COULD GET HURT starts and ends with the story of Magary’s third child who was born with many complications. This story was hinted at in a long, moving, and heart-rending story I first read on Dadspin. In between this framing device are several essays. Like any anthology, some of the essays are better than others. Some are more poignant. Some are funnier–some are literally laugh-out-loud funny.

SOMEONE COULD GET HURT is described as a parenting book. To me, that means a book about how to raise your kids. I think SOMEONE COULD GET HURT should be described as a fathering book–the essays are about the anger, the stress, the love, and the miracles of being a father, about growing up, and changing from single bachelor into responsible(ish) dad.

If you like Deadspin, and you like Magary’s funbag, you will like this book. It’s not earth-shattering in any way, but it’s fun and enjoyable. And while it won’t help you prepare to be a parent (what can?), I think it might serve as a great heads up for what’s in store. Give this to all the soon-to-be fathers in your life.

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