

Just a few random notes before people start their weekend.

  1. Please take a moment to check out my Clarion West Write-A-Thon page. As of last night, I was five days into the Write-A-Thon, and I was meeting my 1,000 words a day commitment (5,215 total, to be precise). If you can, please consider sponsoring me.
  2. For those writers out there who are considering entering the Writers of the Future Contest, the third quarter of the year ends on Sunday, June 30. If you miss that deadline, you have until September 30 to get your entries in for the 2013 contest.
  3. And finally, because I’m just posting a list, I feel like I need to give you something special. And well, this dog (courtesy of Redditor becca_casal) is very special indeed.

Special Dog

Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

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