
Clarion West Write-A-Thon Progress Update

So here we are, in the fourth week of the seven-week long Clarion West Write-A-Thon. I just wanted to give you an update on my progress, goal by goal.

  1. To write at least 1,000 words a day, every day. Check. Every day, seven days a week, whether I felt like it or not. Actually, I do feel like it. I think it’s a great daily word count: long enough that I need to work a bit for it.
  2. To finish the outline of my urban fantasy novel. Check. At over 13,000 words, it’s my longest outline ever. Well, it’s only my second novel, so there’s not a lot of competition. But I think it may need another once over (probably after the Write-A-Thon) to increase the conflict, tweak the pacing, and a few other adjustments. But I am largely happy with how it looks.
  3. To write and edit at least three new stories. Uh oh. I’ve written one story and started a second. I need to get a jump on writing my third, particularly if I’m going to give them each an editing.
  4. To experiment and try new things with those stories. To cut loose and risk without fear. Check. And double check. My unfinished story was written without an outline (There was some meandering, and circling back, but I think I’ve finally got a hold of it. I have a feeling I’ll have to do a lot of editing on the back end, instead of spending time on the front end outlining). And the story I’ve written a rough draft of is historical fiction (That’s a new for me as well). I think my third one may have to be grimdark or humorous. Perhaps a black humor to combine them both?
  5. To submit at least one of those stories. Not yet. But soon. That story I’ve finished is a bit of flash fiction of around 1,000 words. I have a couple places in mind that might be interested in it once it’s cleaned up a bit.

But there is one big area where I’m falling short: donations. All the money raised during the Write-A-Thon goes to the Clarion West program itself, allowing aspiring writers to come and learn at a top level writing boot camp: a dream for many writers. And for many writers, it’s an almost unreachable dream. Every penny of scholarships moves that dream closer to their grasp. So if you can, please donate. and I’ve included a few prizes for my big donors, so claim them now!

Please donate, and I thank you in advance. And if you win a prize, I’ll be in touch!

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