
It’s Been a Long Five Days

Not a bad five days, just long, mind you. When family visits, it always is. We went on brewery tours, ate at some of our favorite restaurants, and saw Paul McCartney perform at Nationals Stadium. So today, I’m trying to keep the coffee flowing, so I can get my work done.

Early in their visit, my parents joined Laura and I on a brief winery tour in Virginia. We visited Barrel Oaks Winery and Three Foxes Winery. Not only did they offer a lovely assortment of wine, but they also provided a great view to enjoy while we ate a snack of cheese, meat, and bread. We picked these wineries because they were dog-friendly.

But the big spectacle of the week was the Paul McCartney performance. For a 71-year old man, he can still put on a helluva show. He performed 38 songs, including 2 encores of 3 songs. He would stop to tell stories, mix in riffs from other songs, and he never stopped to take a drink of water. I think he put a lot of performers half his age to shame with his energy. And because this show was outdoors, there were some great video and pyrotechnic effects mixed in. The only thing I didn’t like about the show was having to wake up 5 hours after it ended for a training session. Ah well.

And yesterday, we visited Port City Brewery. Hm, I’m noticing a theme here. But not only was the tour educational (as opposed to some breweries, where the tour is just an excuse to drink), but the beer was very tasty. If you’re somewhere between North Carolina and New Jersey, look for it. Or catch them in Denver at the Beer Competition.

As for the dogs, Scotch and Spencer, things improved as the week wore on. There was plenty of passive-aggressive treat-stealing and bed-stealing, but by the end of the week, they were best friends. As you can see, they were both very concerned when my parents started to pack up.

Scotch & Spence

Thanks for visiting Mom and Dad! Now it’s my sister’s turn, ha.

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