
Where Have I Been?

Whoops, I didn’t post last week. Sorry about that. I had a bit of work to do, and time got away from me.

And to be honest, I wasn’t in a mood to post anything because I was a bit frustrated with a new story. I kept revising the opening pages over and over again. I was making zero progress, and what I had wasn’t very good. And instead of doing what I should–just finishing a rough draft–I kept reworking those same first pages. But the logjam has finally broken.

How? Well, I didn’t so much refill my creative well as I did give it a splash of something. I started reading fiction again (PRINCE OF THORNS by Mark Lawrence and now PROMISE OF BLOOD by Brian McClellan), and I went to the Degas-Cassatt exhibit at the National Gallery of Art. And now the words are flowing, so I’m in a much better place.

Even better, there is a new preview out for Edge of Tomorrow. And every preview makes it look better and better. And it comes out on my wedding anniversary. Somehow, I don’t think that’s how we’ll be celebrating. However, it’s also a few days before my birthday, so I know what I’m getting myself (well, that and the book it was based on–with a much better title: ALL YOU NEED IS KILL). Check it out below:

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