
What Are You Doing This Weekend?

Last year, I ran a Tough Mudder as part of a team. Over the course of the race, the team spread out. Myself and one other teammate, Edward, brought up the caboose. We took a lot longer than the others, but we had a lot of fun, however perverse that understanding of the concept.

Well, of that team of about half a dozen or so, only Edward and I are back for another go. This Saturday we’ll be running the Tough Mudder Virginia course. And as repeat offenders (er, “Tough Mudder Legionnaires”), we get to do a bonus stretch of course towards the end. Seems like a fair trade for a headband and a cup of beer, right? Right?

Anyway, think of me when you’re by the pool or watching TV this Saturday. I hope you’re having as much fun as I will be.

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