
So Everyone’s Leaving Work Early, Right?

Last time, I called upon the power of Will Ferrell’s crop top and short shorts. And we survived the Group of Death. This time, I think we need to kick it up a notch. That’s right. For today’s game, I’m calling upon the power of Rex Kwon Do.

Rex Kwon Do

But what am I saying? I’m sure that this is the dress and attitude many of you were already planning on employing today.

But for those of you lacking Rex’s style and confidence, you might be worried. After all, the U.S. just got out of the Group of Death. And now we play Belgium, who won their group outright? Well, consider this: according to some odds makers, our odds of beating Belgium are 10% higher than the odds of our surviving the Group of Death. So relax, work hard this morning, and take the afternoon off to yell at your TV.

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