
My First Contribution to SF Signal

I am very happy to say that my first contribution to SF Signal has been posted. It’s part of their regular series “Mind Meld,” in which several contributors answer a question. The answers are often surprising, both for their originality as well as the repetitions.

My question was “Elusive Authors: Who are some authors you’ve yet to read, or only read minimally (one book at most) who you keep intending to read or read again. In other words, what author(s) fits the question, ‘I know, I keep meaning to try BOOK X or AUTHOR Y!'” I was super excited to find out that Max Gladstone (I’m a big fan) also answered the question, as well as Ardi Alspach from Tor, author Karin Lowachee, Brent Bowen of Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing (a great podcast), reviewer Tabitha Jensen, and author Liz de Jager.

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