
Oh, Thank Goodness. Football Is Back.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s preseason. And yeah, half the commentary will be what to call the “Team from Washington,” while the other half will be divided between segments about Tom Brady’s haircut, Giselle, and maybe–if there’s enough time–football. But hey, it’s back. Baseball season is over.

NE DC Preseason

Time to start thinking about fantasy football draft plan. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, here’s my team name:

Washington Redshirts

My slogan is, “First to die on away missions.” Sounds about right for both the real team and my fantasy team. Came in 3rd two years ago, and 4th last year (with a .500 record). Let’s see how I do this year. I’m not holding my breath. I tend to die off in the second half as I scramble to replace injured players.

Oh well, even if I lose that, I still get to watch the NFL, the Texas Longhorns’ first rebuilding year under Coach Strong, and I get to ref football. It’s going to be a great fall.

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