
Hearthstone Is Expanding Again

First off, I hope everyone had a great Labor Day holiday, full of pool time and backyard BBQs. DC has had a very mild summer until now–until September, ha–so it put a bit of a damper on things, but Laura and I got to hang out with friends at a couple parties, so no complaints.

Anyway, on the heels of Curse of Naxxramas, which added about 30 cards to Hearthstone, the word is that Blizzard will be introducing over 100 new cards soon. But instead of the dungeon-style adventure used for Naxx, Blizzard will make them available in a packs–players can buy normal decks or the alternative decks, it sounds like. Given how much those 30 Naxx cards changed gameplay, I’m very excited to see what comes of this expansion. No word on timing though.

Another rumor floating around–that there might be new hero classes–has been denied by Blizzard. So you’ll just have to stick with your nine. Oh well.

You can read about the expansion here or watch a video interview here.

Oh, and if you play, feel free to send me a friend request. I’m at ImpishGrin#1369.

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