So I have been absent from this blog for quite some time. I apologize for that. I like to post regularly if I can help it, so “No News November” has been a real oddity.
And for those who are interested or an online buddy, you might have noticed that my updates, posts, tweets, etc. about NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) have also disappeared. Well that’s because–for the first time since I started participating in 2012–I will not complete my 50,000 words this year. This sucks. I had–well, still have–a good story, an outline, and a bit of work. I just had to put things on hold for a while. I’ll be picking up where I left off in December.
But I have a very good reason for going silent on the blog and not writing fiction.

And the reason is the “great news” part. Instead of blogging and working on my novel, I was interviewing for a new job. And all the effort was worth it, because I have accepted a new position. Beginning December 1, I will be an Editor at The Aspen Institute.
As much as I love working from home with my dog, I’m incredibly excited about this new step in my career, and I really can’t wait to get started. I get to touch on a diverse set of interesting, substantive issues, and I get to work with a great team of people. I’m a very lucky man.
It might take a while to see how I can fit various aspects of writing and social media into a new schedule, but I’m sure I’ll figure something out. So hopefully the radio silence has ended. In fact, I already have a second post lined up for today.