
Tonight’s Lullabies 4/13/18

Of course today was a crazy day: it was Friday the thirteenth. Normally I have great Fridays the thirteenth, but today started rough (I knocked over a full glass of water, requiring a beach towel to clean up), and then the day was nonstop from the moment I got to work. But the weather was warm, so we went out for a walk when I got home. We planned on eating outside, but everyone in Arlington also had that idea, so we stopped by a new place to get some food to go (it was delicious), and Anna was in a good mood, even though we ended up keeping her up late. I even got an “I luh loo” when I put her down to bed. Now if only her teeth would let her sleep instead of trying to punch through.

The Playlist

Arcade Fire, “Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)”

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