
The Higgs Particle and the LHC: A Primer

Today, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva announced, with five sigma certainty (that’s a 99.9999% confidence level) that they have discovered a particle that exists at an energy level consistent with the Higgs particle, according to the Standard Model. So let me back up. Under the Standard Model, particle physics have theorized that there…

FTL Neutrinos? Not so Fast…Maybe

Here we go, folks. Yet another update on the faster than light (FTL) neutrinos reported by CERN experiments (previous posts here, here, and here). As a brief recap, last September, Physicists had detected neutrinos travelling from the CERN laboratory in Geneva to the Gran Sasso laboratory near L’Aquila that appeared to travel FTL. According to…