
2011 In Review

2011 is behind us now, so I thought I’d look back at how this blog fared over the year. Well, “year” is generous. I started this blog in late August. In less than five months though, the site has grown far beyond my wildest expectations. I started this site because I wanted to be sure I wrote something every day–or nearly every day as it turned out. Whether it was about writing, national security, “What if” posts, or a short story, many readers have not only checked out the site, but checked back again and again. Thank you, each and every one of you, whether you were a one-time or a repeat offender. I have no intention of slacking off during 2012. I hope to keep this site interesting, growing, and evolving. I hope you keep coming back.

It’s hard to determine site statistics because my numbers vary depending on who’s counting. WordPress counts about 3,800 views. Jetpack software counts about 4,700 pageviews. Google Analytics reports about 4,850 pageviews and 1,700 visitors. StatPress reports 26,500 pageviews, 4,200 visitors, and just about 2,000 subscriptions to the site. Regardless of which counter I use, they all say most of you found me via Facebook, Twitter, or Google Reader. Due to a couple of comments I posted, many of you have also come from Bruce Schneier’s site,

So, what to expect in 2012? More of the same, really–but emphasis on the “more,” not the “same.” I hope to post more–especially more stories. I hope to keep up the creativity, the humor, and the interest on your part.

What else? Well, tomorrow I launch my new business, Christensen Communications. I’m leaving the law firm and hanging my shingle as a freelance marketing writer. Stay tuned tomorrow for more details. I will have a professional site for the business. This site will continue to be my personal site, so expect a bit more freedom with what I post here. But expect to see some overlap between these two sites.

What would you like to see here in 2012? I’m open to suggestions. Comment below, and let me know. Otherwise, Happy New Year, everyone!

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