
Brandon Sanderson, at SDCC and Elsewhere

Ok, so I misspoke (I didn’t lie–there was no intention there. (Did you know I was a lawyer?)). Here’s another post that is sort of an SDCC-wrap-up. But in all fairness, I have a good reason for the error. You see, I’m a big fan of author Brandon Sanderson (Blog; Twitter; videos of his writing classes; and the Writing Excuses podcast that he does with Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler, and Dan Wells). And after SDCC was over, he posted all sorts of goodies online. And then other people posted things about him. So I decided to collect quite a few and put them in one convenient place for the Brandon Sanderson fans out there.

First off, if you are unfamiliar, Brandon Sanderson was hand-picked to finish the Wheel of Time saga after Robert Jordan passed away. I started reading this series in the seventh grade (way back in 1992), so I’m excited for the last book in the series, A MEMORY OF LIGHT, to come out on January 8, 2013. At SDCC, Brandon Sanderson read a bit from the book (and you can see the portion he read if you click on that link). If you click on that link, you can also get some info on Mistborn goodies, as well as some comments on his writing (where he gets ideas, how he combines them into a larger story, and how he plots that larger story), his next books, who he reads, etc. If you find his comments on writing interesting, definitely check out those writing class videos.

Here’s a video of an interview he did with Christopher Paolini and Robin Hobb:

Here is a summary of a panel he did with Raymond E. Feist, Robin Hobb, N.K. Jemisin, Christopher Paolini, Rachel Hartman, Patrick Rothfuss, Heather Brewer, and Lynn Flewelling. The panel covers epic fantasy, war, and world building.

And now, your bonuses, for sticking with me for this post. Here are three extra interviews (that are not SDCC related): (focusing a lot on THE WAY OF KINGS, (focusing on his take on publishing), and Dark Matter fanzine (the interview begins on p. 49).

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