
Subscriptions, Technical Difficulties, and Corrections

This site is very quickly approaching its one-year anniversary. And yet I’m still discovering things wrong with it. The most recent was realizing that there has been a HUGE issue with the subscribe option (that box to the right of the text) for the entirety of this site’s existence. Namely, I had never activated the widget. So if you subscribed, you weren’t e-mailed any updates. I apologize if this caused you to drop your subscription. Such a silly thing. Sorry for my newbie errors. I’m sure it won’t be the last.

Anyway, it’s been corrected, and subscribers will receive e-mail updates (or whatever you adjust your settings to do). Please feel free to renew your subscription if you dropped it. And if you haven’t subscribed, please do. And while I’m at it, if you find anything else wrong with the site, please let me know. Heck, if you think something is weird or you see something that you think could be better, please let me know as well. Thanks.

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