
Joe Abercrombie Day

I recently had a post on Brandon Sanderson at SDCC. Since then, I’ve been reading a series of posts about or by fantasy author Joe Abercrombie (blog). So I decided to bring them to everyone’s attention. First, publisher Gollancz has posted a series of articles by Joe Abercrombie on planning, writing, revising, and editing. also, had an interview with Abercrombie last year that covers a lot of similar ground.

Here’s the thing though. I post of a lot of link to writers giving advice on process. The point is not to give you a method you must follow 100%. My hope is that these posts present ideas, tips, and techniques that maybe you haven’t considered. Or maybe you have and it can be good to see others doing the same thing you do (especially when those others are bestselling authors). or maybe they are using techniques you rejected, so it can be interesting to figure out how they made it work. Use what works for you. The real idea is to help you become more productive. Hope this helps.

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