
It’s a Peter V. Brett Friday

I recently posted my review of Peter V. Brett’s THE WARDED MAN. As you can see, I loved it–I loved the writing, I loved the story, and I loved the characters. I have the sequel, THE DESERT SPEAR, on my shelf, primed and ready to go. As I mentioned in my review, Brett writes incredibly well. Writers could learn a lot from taking apart his writing mechanics and figuring out how they work.

To help you do that, here is a small link roundup. The first link is an interview Brett did with about his writing techniques and methods, as well as some of the ideas behind his books. His friend (and another writer I enjoy reading) Myke Cole chimes in a bit too. The second link is from Brett’s blog, and it provides some more specific writing tips, including how Brett constructs and executes his stories (as well as items on getting published and handling rejection).

Finally, for the UK readers, in just a couple of hours, Brett and Cole (along with Joe Abercrombie) will be doing a signing event at Blackwell’s Bookshop at 100 Charing Cross Road, brought to you by You should probably start heading in that direction now, if possible.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Get some reading and writing done!

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