
Preparing for the Snowquester

It looks like the DC area is going to get hit by a rain/snow storm tonight and tomorrow. The storm has already been nicknamed “Snowquester.”

And like the Sequester, in advance of this storm, our news has been filled with warnings of danger and risk. And like the Sequester, too many people have greeted those warnings with a shrug. And like the Sequester, this wet muck will slow things down, make it harder to do many important things, and it will prevent some from going into work.

(Source: Washington Post’s Capital Weather Gang)

And yet, we are predicted to get only 3-8″ of snow. People in Colorado, New England, and the Midwest will shake their heads and wonder why it takes so little to bring DC to a screeching halt. And in a month, it will be forgotten when the next crisis arrives.

Time to head to the liquor store to stock up, I suppose.

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