
Podcast Roundup

I’m a big fan of podcasts. I listen to them while at the gym, while I take the dog out for a walk, and when I drive around town. Right now, I’m at about max capacity–I’m on the verge of falling behind every week. Usually I have to skip one or two. So I think it’s time for another podcast review.

What’s a podcast review? Think of it as playlist spring cleaning. I take a look at the podcasts I’m listening to, dropping some and adding others. For example, I used to listen to Marc Maron’s WTF podcast all the time, but the material tends to be a bit heavy and depressing. At the time, I was very unhappy at my job, so I ditched the podcast. I’ll still listen to random episodes, but I don’t subscribe.

So here’s what I’m going to do. I’ll list the podcasts I listen to by category. I’ll also list a couple that I’m trying out.


Stuff You Missed in History Class

StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson

The Commentariat


The Smartest Man in the World

The Nerdist

Doug Loves Movies


Writing Excuses


SF Signal

The Roundtable Podcast

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips

Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy

The Functional Nerds

Adventures in SciFi Publishing




Nerdist Writers Panel

Beneath Ceaseless Skies

I’ve heard great things about Beneath Ceaseless Skies–they record a short story with every issue (literary adventure fantasy). And I like writers’ podcasts (obviously), but I think the Nerdist Writers Panel might be geared more toward writing movies and tv shows. If that’s the case, I’ll probably unsubscribe.

As for what podcasts are on the chopping block, well, I just don’t know. Many of these have moved toward a shorter format, which is better for me (and my 20 minute dog walks). That’s why I keep Grammar Girl around: each episode is only about 10 minutes long. But something’s gotta give. Maybe I’ll just be more open to skipping eps that feature guests I don’t really care about. Of course, part of me fears that I’ll miss out on something great.

I’d love to hear if there are some great podcasts I’m missing. What do you listen to? What do you like? Why?

4 thoughts on “Podcast Roundup

  1. Not really a podcast listener, but i’m completely addicted to Dan Harmon’s Harmontown. It’s really funny and full of great pop culture references/discussions (obviously, from Community) but his girlfriend is also a regular staple and there’s some really honest discussion about relationships (and their relationship) as well as larger societal issues (Dan loves to talk about race). The initial premise was that it was a town meeting as they discuss the rules and values for starting a colony on the moon, although that dropped by the wayside after a while. Also they play Dungeons and Dragons every week.

  2. Hey – if you’re looking for more podcasts about writers and writing, last year I began co-hosting a podcast called All Write Already. We call ourselves the “completely unpretentious literary podcast.” Every episode we have a guest writer read something for us, and then we interview them. (We haven’t had any sci-fi writers on yet, but we’re open to them, too.) Our guests have included novelists, short story writers, non-fiction writers, memoirists, people who have been on NPR, This American Life, etc. etc.

    Some of my personal favorite episodes include Samantha Irby (ep 5), David Stuart MacLean (ep 4), Stephen Markley (ep 2), and Amina Gautier (ep 15). But they’re all pretty good, if I do say so myself.

    Also – just so I’m not being completely self-serving here, I am a big fan of “Other People with Brad Listi.” Think of it as WTF with Marc Maron, except with authors instead of comedians. Good podcast and always good conversations.

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