
Something Happy Is Needed Today

So while everyone in Boston is under lockdown (stay safe, everyone!), and many of us are glued to our TVs, wondering what bad news will happen next, I figured some good news, or at least cool news, would be a good thing. So here are two stories.

First, Peter Jackson met with Steven Moffat to discuss Doctor Who. This gets the Whovian in my excited. Jackson is a super fan, and given his directorial talent, if he could helm an episode, it could really end up being something special. Keep your eye on this one.

Second, io9 has seen some footage from “Ender’s Game.” The early word is pretty favorable–both the effects and the cast. The trailer for “Ender’s Game” will premiere attached to the next “Star Trek” movie, so now you have another reason to go see that.

Alright, that’s it for now. Stay calm, stay safe. Maybe next week will be happier.

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