
Not Now. I’ll Read It Later.

Whether though e-mail, Twitter, or Facebook, I end up opening a ton of tabs just about every day. While I get through most of them throughout the day, several remain open day after day. Eventually, when I have to restart my computer, I dump all those tabs into an e-mail. So after a week or so, my inbox has e-mails from myself to myself titled, “read,” “listen,” or “interesting.” Thankfully, I have found a solution.

And I have to thank the Functional Nerds podcast. In their latest episode, guest Linda Nagata and hosts Patrick Hester and John Anealio discussed a few options. Basically, whether you choose Instapaper, Pocket (formerly Read It Later), or Readability, they are all pretty much the same. You can bookmark pages in your browser (using an extension) and read them later on your computer, tablet, or phone through the app. Each has a different menu and display features, and, with the exception of Instapaper, they work on iOS and Android.

Here are three review sites comparing and contrasting the options. The winner seems to be Pocket, so I’ll give it a try. I’ll post an update at some point to offer my two cents. But the cool thing is that between the Pocket app and the Kindle app, as long as I have my phone, I’ll always have something to read. I love technology.

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