
New Job and New Schedule

So this past week was my first at my new job. It flew by–meeting co-workers, filling out administrative paperwork, and getting started on projects. The real trick is going to be attending to all the other parts of my life.

I know, I know. Those of you who work full-time jobs are thinking, “Yeah, so?” But after freelancing since early 2012, I’ve kind of forgotten how to make sure I blog, I write fiction, and other things while also getting my job done and taking care of my household.

That explains why the blog went quiet. But, I think I’ve got a better handle on things. So expect more posts. And as for writing, well, my production has gone way down since the end of October. So I need to make up for that. But the good news is that I’ve reconnected with a few folks from an old writing group, and a new one is in the works. That will keep my toes to the fire.

All right, it’s Sunday night, and I’m tired. Go enjoy what’s left of your weekend. I’ll see you next week.

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