
My First Blog Post at the New Job

So last time I posted, I mentioned that I had a new job. Well, I’ve hit the ground running at the Aspen Institute: meeting people, learning about the programs, and even sitting in on some of the events. And I even have written a blog post about one of those events–a discussion between NYT Chief Washington Correspondent David Sanger and WaPo Associate Editor and Columnist David Ignatius, focusing on Ignatius’s latest novel, THE DIRECTOR; the hacking of Sony; the Torture Report; and more. Check it out if you’re a fan of spy novels, national security, or are as fascinated by the Sony thing as I am.

As for writing, well, I’m still reconstructing my broken NaNoWriMo novel, and I’m working with a writing group, so more to come on that front as it develops.

Have a great holiday everyone! Look for me once all the festivities have passed.

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