

If you haven’t visited my site in a while, things probably look very different. But trust me, you’ve come to the right page. It just looks different due to a few updates.

What happened?

With quite a bit of help from a very patient and far smarter friend, I have made some updates to the site’s theme as well as to a lot of the behind the scenes stuff. These changes probably aren’t the last, either. You should expect some more tweaks here and there. But, odds are, the most dramatic changes are now behind us.

And as we go forward, please let me know what you think of the site’s updates. Feel free to leave a comment, use the contact page, or send me a tweet.

What should you expect?

As far as postings, expect a lot of the same stuff you’ve seen before:

  • Reviews of media I’m consuming. This includes books, TV shows, movies, music, games, etc.
  • “What if” posts highlighting new technology or proposed technology.

But expect a few new things and new rules as well:

  • Writing posts will now primarily focus on my writing, not writing in general. I’m way too dumb and inexperienced to do any preaching or pontificating about writing in general. So instead I’ll focus on lessons I’ve learned, steps I’m taking to improve my weaknesses, and updates on the business side.
  • Pictures. I’m fortunate enough to live in a very photogenic city, and I really should be getting my ass outside more.
  • No politics. Okay, politics might leak in here and there, but it won’t be the main reason I post. I’ll keep that limited to Facebook and Twitter. I want this site to be an escape from that.


Well, I could go on and on about how the site really hadn’t been refreshed since I first created it years ago. But the truth is, this site is only one of many things I’m updating. And the reason for that is last November, my wife and I welcomed our first child–a daughter, Anna–into the world (I know, I know. Way to bury the lede). Here we all are last March.

Christensen Family

So personally, professionally, creatively, everything is changing for me. Time to get serious about those things. Well, more serious. Or serious in new ways. And so here we are: a new year, a new baby, a new outlook, and a new site. Updates all around.

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