
New Gravity and Robocop Trailers

Yesterday saw the release of two very interesting trailers. The first is for Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity (starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney). There is a lot of buzz surrounding this one, and James Cameron recently said it was the most beautiful space footage he had ever seen. Check it out.

I’m fascinated with this movie. On the one hand, it is indeed beautifully shot. On the other hand, it is so claustrophobic, stressful, terrifying, and also isolating all at the same time. I think this might be a very difficult movie to watch, even though I can’t look away.

The second trailer was for the rebooted Robocop movie, starring The Killing’s Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Keaton, and others. Here it is.

I’m fairly skeptical about reboots, but this version of Robocop looks like it bring some new angles to the movie. And they have assembled a great cast. So there’s hope, but then again, it looks like Samuel L. Jackson might be trying to bring back his hairstyle from Unbreakable. So while I’m still skeptical, let’s say I’m less so.

What do you think?

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